Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Dear Son

Dear Son,

Hard to believe that as I write this you are a mere 18 months old. You have been a blessing in our lives this past year and a half. You constantly make us laugh, cry, get mad but mostly you make us a family. Your mom and I have loved watching you grow and experience life as you go. We have watched you explore things, fall off things, pester the dogs and mostly show us unconditional love even though you may not understand exactly who we are or what we are here for.

I thought this would be a good way to maybe explain to you a little bit about us and what exactly we are here for. My son, your mother and I are here to ensure that you learn things as you grow. We are here to help you along the way by trying to eliminate the hurt you may feel. You know when you fall and we pick you up to let you know that we love you and the hurt will pass? That is what we are here for.  I am not going to lie, growing up will be difficult but I believe you will be a strong, confident kid and you will have no problems.

That being said, you will come across people in your life who’s only goal in their life is to hold you back and make sure you feel less significant as a human being. These people will call you names, names that I can’t even say right now because they are so bad. These people will try and keep you down and tell you things like you are “a nobody” and “you will never be more than a low life”. These people will make you cry and make you ask things like “why do they say those things?” “Why do they act like that?” “What makes them feel they are better than me?” The answer is not one that I know or will ever be able to understand, but one thing for certain is that your mother and I will be there to help you through these hard times.

I won’t begin to say that we will understand how you feel when you are called those names. But know for sure that you will always have us to come to and cry. You will always have us to console you. You will always have us to help you become stronger. You will always have us to ensure that you prove those people wrong and that you will become something bigger than their hateful words could ever conceive.

My son, you will be more powerful, more confident, more sure of yourself, more patient, more empathetic and have the ability to make major change in the world.

My son, I can’t believe it has been 18 months since you came into our lives, I can’t even imagine what our life would be without you in it. You have changed us. You have made us a family. You have already started making those changes in the world, even if it is just our little world right now.

My son, I love you. Your mom loves you. And we can’t wait to see what you achieve in your life!

Love Dad!

Until next time!