Thursday, 24 January 2013

The Waiting...

In the words of Tom Petty "The Waiting Is The Hardest Part."
Some say that patience is a virtue, these people obviously have never had to wait for something for so long. Now in the sense of it all I guess it hasn't been too long that we have been waiting. As I am writing this we have officially been on the wait list 11 months and we have seen a lot of movement so the waiting has been a little easier to take. But now as the year on the wait list marker is coming closer you start to wonder about things and the waiting becomes a lot harder.

Let me pose this question to all of you that have children...Think back to when you found out you were expecting a child, you know when you peed on a stick and had to wait 5 or 10 minutes, or when you went to your doctor and you had to wait a day or 2 to find out for sure. Do you remember those feelings? What if we are pregnant? What are we going to do? Are we ready? Will we be good parents? Will the child like me? The panic sets in and you start internalizing everything about your life and about how it is going to change. Now take those feelings and try and imagine what it would be like if you had peed on that stick a year ago and you don't know when you will get the results... That is where we are. We peed on the stick a year ago and now we wait... Waiting sucks.

As we wait we know that something amazing is going to meet us in the end and I think that's what keeps us waiting. I think that's what keeps us from going crazy.

Until next time.

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